Study Educational Science in Germany
Educational research is a growing field. Professors mainly focus on empirical research in teaching methodology and educational science. Learning things in a wide variety of educational contexts is the study of teaching and its various styles. Meanwhile in Germany a large number of ministries, foundations and research organizations are very much active regarding such issues which are relevant to teaching and learning both in and out of school. Research institutions and Organizational developments in universities are showing a great interest in staff that is qualified in such areas. Master’s program in Educational Research is mainly for those students who hold a Bachelor’s degree in educational science, education, psychology, secondary school teaching or any vocational training. The program is for international as well as local students. Here students explore key theories, methods, concepts, and focus on findings an empirical educational research which mainly focus on teaching and learning in a variety of educational contexts present there.
This allow them to gain knowledge and in-depth understanding of quality development, institutions in education systems and assurance in these institutions, their determinants in formal learning settings such as the classroom, learning processes and teaching, educational measurement and concept. Basic knowledge of methodologies in behavioral and social sciences is also required, which are based on data collection and data analysis and research designs. In various institutions Master’s programs mainly focuses on the evaluation of teaching and learning scenarios and designing them in schools and organizations.
Possible contexts may include the instructions for young children in primary school and developing interactive materials for their vocational education, targeting the quality of schooling and school performance in a particular area, talent and leadership development among students, or various re-training programs for adult employees. Educational Science and Technology students enjoy a high-tech approach for their studies while never losing sight of the human dimension from faculty point of view. In educational science we mainly will learn how to translate your designs into advice and then into a solutions for practical problems and different learning scenarios and also their respective curricula. Linking classroom science to practical applications will help students to learn more quickly and effectively.